Why you need a Records Manager
My experience as a Records Manager
Put my experience to work - for YOU
The Paperless Office - Paper vs Digital Records
WHITE PAPER: Digital Content Risks and Solutions
WHITE PAPER: Recommendations for the Retention of Web Objects
Training Task Demo
Let's talk! Send us an email to schedule a phone meeting.
Every business needs a records management program. Why?
- Legal and regulatory compliance, especially with the Sarbanes-Oaxley Act and HIPAA.
- Your business decisions are supported by relevant and complete information - in the latest revision.
- Litigation risks are minimized through the scheduled deletion of outdated records.
- Reduce costs for on-site and off-site storage.
- Save time and labor with efficient filing and retrieval systems.
- Partner with your IT Department to utilize on-line and automated systems efficiently. Reduce server costs and bandwidth usage with sound information management practices.
I can provide the tools you need to manage your business effectively, including:
- a Records Retention Schedule customized for your business
- help your team select and implement an electronic filing system
- inventory your record types, forms, file plan and storage practices
- ensure access security
- develop training programs for all tools and systems