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Health and Wellness Coaching
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The Elements That Contribute to a Life In Balance

An In Balance Original Article

"Good food, work, and play." I said, "These are the essential ingredients to a well-balanced life."

This was my contribution to a discussion I was having with my friends one evening. It was similar to the challenge: if you could only bring three books with you on a deserted island, what three books would you choose?

I argued that good food would keep your body healthy, and work would keep your mind busy. And play - we must have play. "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," we learned as kids. But I don't think I would really enjoy just lying on the beach all day with nothing to do, not after the first few days, at least. I think a life of all-play is just not challenging enough, just as a life of all-work is simply too strenuous. I think we all feel better when we accomplish something meaningful - and have fun doing it! Therefore, a healthy mind and body needs a balanced mix of work and play.

But when I enrolled in training to become a certified health-and-wellness coach, I began to expand my definition of a well-balanced life. In that year-long intensive I learned quite a lot about how people think, and what the body requires to perform with optimum efficiency. I also logged many hours actually coaching a dozen people over several months in practice coaching sessions, and I began to see how the issue we began with was often different from the deeper issue we wound up dealing with. Over time I broadened my understanding of what it takes to lead a balanced life.

I distilled the qualities required to enjoy a life in balance down to eight essential elements, and these later became the focus of my coaching practice after I had graduated and earned my certification (you can explore them in detail on my website: They are: Exercise, Nutrition, Healthy Weight, Stress Management, Rest/Sleep, Recreation, Happy Relationships, and Agreeable Surroundings.

Each of these elements will yield certain results. Exercise brings you Fitness. Nutrition provides Energy. Healthy Weight supports a general sense of Self-Confidence. Stress Management allows you to remain Flexible. Recreation invites you to become Creative. Enough Rest and Sleep will support your Mental Clarity. Good Relationships will give you a deep sense of Fulfillment. And Agreeable Surroundings will both support and be a reflection of being Organized.

Naturally, no one element alone will provide complete results. Maintaining a healthy weight is not the only element upon which your self-confidence depends, though liking how we look goes a long way towards feeling confident in our own skin. The goal is to enjoy a healthy balance of all of these elements together, for as you practice each element you obtain the desired result, and the combination of them all supports a life in balance.

Like I told my friends in our evening discussion: all-work or all-play is not good for us. We feel better when we accomplish something meaningful, and have fun doing it. Add to that a rested body that is physically fit, living in an environment that is not overwhelmed by clutter, with friends or a partner to play with, and the comfort of meditation or a spiritual practice to help shield us in times of sudden misfortune. Put it all together, and life can be a wonderful adventure, no matter what horizon you choose to explore!

Most of this is common sense. But as they also used to say when we were kids, "Out of sight is out of mind." That's why I have these elements posted on every page of my website, to keep these points in sight and, hopefully, in mind.

We are all entitled to a rich and full life; it is our birthright. And we can all achieve a rich and full life, too. Where we fall short is forgetting that we have the power within our own command. We tend to think we are subject to whatever is going on "out there." We forget that our lives are ours to shape, and it is never too late to change tracks and start anew.

Review the elements of a life in balance and consider where you might make some adjustments to your daily habits. Remember that by focusing on a certain element, you may achieve the result you desire. You can do it; I know you can; I've seen it done many times before. And if you need help? Talk to me. I'm a coach. I help people identify and achieve the goals they set for themselves to live a rich and full life - a life in balance.


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Disclaimer: As a Health Coach, I will never attempt to diagnose, treat, make claims, prevent or cure any disease or condition. I advise my clients that Health Coaching is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed health care professional.